installHUB - Weekly Round Up

The installHUB Round Up - Episode 122

May 12, 2023 Chellce AJ Season 122 Episode 3

 Electric vehicle (EV) charging company is aiming to develop a 100,000 strong network of chargers by 2030, as it changes CEO. 

Law now states that home chargers have to be smart chargers. 

Renault is working on an entry-level, affordable electric vehicle that will cost less than $25,000 when it debuts sometime in 2027. 

Swedish start-up Luvly has created this: it is called the Luvly O concept and it is essentially a kit car, an electric vehicle which comes flat pack! 

Book a tour of a Dutch greenhouse during the GreenTech 2023. 

Researchers at the Italian Institute of Technology in Milan recently created probably the world’s first battery that is safe to ingest and entirely made of food-grade materials. 

Bentley will import the “W12 of batteries” it needs to begin its electrification era in 2026. 

Environmental Audit Committee and solar industry urge Energy Secretary to tackle barriers hampering roll out of solar capacity in UK. 

Watford council to install 1,000 solar panels by end of year. 

A study by the University of Évora  concludes that floating photovoltaic solar energy has the capacity to exceed the national target defined in the National Energy and Climate Plan 2030 for Portugal.